A Day Well Spent…Albums, Yoga, Incense, and Art


It’s minutes away from 4:30pm. It’s cloudy…really beautiful all gray and mysterious looking. Perfect weather for walking and drinking coffee and making art and practicing yoga which I did this morning for two hours and I’ll do again for thirty or forty minutes later this evening because evening stretching is awesome! I love my power flow vinyasa in the morning with sun salutations and Ashtanga practice too but the evening is for slower deeper stretches held longer. I think I may try a yin practice maybe this evening. I’ve never practiced Yin yoga before. The day has really gotten away from me but it’s been good. We went to the Restore to get out of the house for a while and I needed whole wheat pita bread and lettuce and strawberries and cooking spray anyway so we went out and I found….albums! Vinyl!! Mint condition vinyl!! FOR A QUARTER!!! I bought Carly Simon, Crosby Stills, Nash and Young, INXS, James Taylor, Heart and Journey!! I also found rubber stamps and fabric for art journal quilts and quilting magazines and a book of art, post card size paper for the printer, and a super cute tin with stationary inside it. I spent less than 10.00! SCORE!!DSCN1839 Although the better part of the day is gone I am determined to accomplish something artsy! I did work on art this morning but I’m not digging it so I’m cutting my loses on it and probably passing it off to one of my kids to finish coloring while I start on something new…which I’m about to do now…before dinner which will be late since lunch was so late since Wayne and I were out treasure hunting before we went stir crazy in the house. It’s been a good day…now I have coffee and fresh fruits and veggies and art supplies and the rest of the weekend to enjoy all of it! Candles lit, incense burning, coffee fresh, the only thing I’m missing is fresh bread….perhaps later? Lol. And tonight is The Good Witch!! Y’all have a great day/evening/weekend. I hope you’ll come on back to my barefoot home tomorrow….peace love art ~ Albums! ~

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