Wrong Cat and Usually Yoga Before Meditation and I Forgot The Laundry

Usually I practice yoga and then meditate but this morning I meditated and then practiced yoga and on laundry day which is today I start the laundry very first thing but this morning I forgot so I didn’t start it until much later, it’s in the dryer now so no harm really. In the mornings Wayne usually…

CBS Sunday Morning

Another one of my suns will be on CBS Sunday Morning this morning at the end of a piece on the movie American Fiction. I haven’t seen it, have you? I don’t know yet which sun it will be so I’m excited to see what pops up. All my CBS suns will be on Fine…


Instead of getting up and getting started I have been trying to get up with an intention set for the day. In yoga we often set an intention for our practice, be it peace, healing, letting go or whatever so why shouldn’t we set intentions for our daily life. Things like today I will live…


I have recently started tapping. Not with my feet but with my hands on the meridians that run through the body. Tapping on them stimulates them and helps the body to release toxins which is really important. Toxins build up in our body, mind and emotions.  The meridians run throughout the body and it’s similar…

Manifesting Moon Light

For a while now I’ve been thinking of looking for the remote to my moon light. I thought it’d be nice during early morning yoga but I haven’t taken any time to look for the remote and the moon hasn’t been charged in probably 6 months at least. This morning in down dog I noticed…

Day 205, Daily Blog, Yoga Cats

Every morning on the yoga mat before daylight, before the house is awake. I practice yoga for an hour or so and every morning as I spread out my mat I roll out one for the cats as well. Yes, they have their own yoga mat. It’s one of my old ones but they don’t…

Day 149, Never Have I Ever

Never have I ever turned on heat in May, just days from June, but I like it! Today (Sunday as I’m typing this to schedule it for posting on Monday) is rainy and super windy and really chilly. I turned on the space heater because the space I was practicing yoga, aka the living room,…

Day 147, Surrounded By Peace

I just got off the yoga mat. I was rolling it up as Molly, our chocolate lab, came out of my studio. She paused on the yoga mat to do a down dog pose. I said to her, show off and she just walked on, she knew I was only teasing. Nice form though, I…