Saturdays In France


I had insomnia again last night so as I lay there I began thinking about Saturdays in France. What would they be like? How would I dress, act, feel, be if I were about to spend a typical Saturday in France, not a touristy Saturday in France. I found so much peace in the practice that I actually drifted off to sleep just before time to get up. Now, I can’t help but wonder if my typical Saturday in France would involved thawing chicken for the meal prep I’ll do tomorrow for Sky’s work lunches? Would I be doing a load of laundry as I did in the middle of the night and drying now? Would I feed stray cats as well as indoor pets? Would I exercise in the living room before sitting down to take a French class and write a daily blog? I bet my blog would be so much more interesting but would it though? Would my typical life be so much more different if spending Saturday in France? I’ll never know, I don’t suppose. Maybe, though, I can bring a little Saturday in France vibe to my attitude, attitude can change a moment, a perspective and perhaps alter the future, don’t cha think?

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