Happy Mama’s Day!!

Happy Mama’s Day! Pet mama’s count too!! I hope your day is really beautiful. Happy Mama’s Day to Mother Nature and all the wild, unruliness she offers along with all the awe inspiring beauty as well. Let’s embrace life today. Let’s really taste our food and listen to our music. Let see with our third…

I’ll Tumble For Ya

Yesterday morning Wayne let the dogs out of the bedroom and went back to bed which is fine because it was early, not even 6:30 yet. I leave most of the lights off in the morning and now we have these dark wood floors and Molly is brown so she blends so heading across the…

Thunder and Lightning

It stormed all night, right after I told myself that storms really don’t last more than an hour but this one lasted from 1:30am to 5am. The thunder actually rattled and shook the windows, pretty sure we were shook off the foundation a couple of inches too lol. The lightning was so bright and the…

Some Days

Some days I wake up full of creative ideas and inspiration and get up and go and some days I wake up in flux at what to do first or how to fix what’s not working or just plain left of center. I have that both kinds of days lead to the same place in…

Weird Dream

I dreamed I helped make a dress and we had to keep it safe so we stuffed it into a bamboo pole. My mind is weird even when it’s sleeping. Happy Monday!!


Sometimes the thunder doesn’t only happen when it rains. Yesterday it thundered long before it rained. Today looks like another soaker. My plants that I moved from the greenhouse to the porch look happy. I need to move the zinnias today as well. I have to go out to feed the strays when the rain…

Distant Thunder

I woke up this morning to the sound of distant thunder. That was before 5am and so far, no storms but the day is beautiful, so gray and cloudy and moody. Moody weather is my favorite. I went out for a while this morning to just be part of it, soak it in and already…

Yesterday’s Conversation

This was an actual conversation Wayne and I had last evening while watching tv: Me: I wonder how long it would take me to get to Walmart on a donkey? Wayne: You’d probably get there in an hour. Me: I wonder if they’d let me bring him in if he was my service donkey? Wayne:…

Tea Garden Update

At last, a few tiny green heads have emerged from the potting soil in the greenhouse. There’s some Cinnamon Basil, Zinnias, a couple Shasta Daisies and that’s about it. The majority are no shows. My tea garden may not go as expected. I’m thinking to take some music out to the greenhouse today and see…

Busy Bird

Yesterday I watched a bird busily coming and going to feed her three babies. It was amazing. The birds are living in a cozy little nest on my brother’s front porch and even though three and sometimes four of us were out there the mama bird or maybe the dad bird braved us to feed…