Free Verse Hippie Poetry, Time Lapse


The day slipped quietly away

no bells or whistles

just silently

unnoticed until everything turned indigo

and the night began to glow

with the fluttering of fireflies and cat’s eyes.

I wondered for a moment was this daytime just in disguise

but then the stars began to twinkle blinking open the entryway to the galaxy

of dreams and schemes and things

unknown and unthought of until now

and somehow still just out of grasp

time lapse

or stands still

who cares

when you’re on the hill

the verge of everything and nothing

all at the same time

and you find

it’s all changed and rearranged

yet the same


the same


the same how we came to be

and see

and feel

and do

a few

things more

or maybe one too many

it’s uncanny

how that usually seems to happen.

Well, there you have it, today’s free verse hippie poetry and I have no idea where it came from or what it means but I can dig it and I hope you can as well. And I hope you can drop by again tomorrow!

Much Peace Love Art~DSCN4156

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